True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World
True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World

Get ready for an unforgettable adventure! Journey through the rugged wilderness of Alaska, discovering what it means to trust Jesus in a wild world. Through exciting Bible stories, fun activities, music, games, and more, kids will learn that Jesus is our True North – the One we can always trust, no matter what!

VBS will be held Monday-Thursday June 9-12 from 9 AM – Noon. VBS is for kids entering 1st-5th grade this Fall. Infant – Kindergarten Programming will be provided for volunteers’ children only.

Registration opens April 1 and is $15 per child with a maximum of $35 per family. No charge for preschool kids of volunteers. After May 25, registration will be $20 per child with a maximum of $45 per family.

Our volunteer staff is well trained, excited and fully screened to work with kids. We value your children’s safety.

Serve with VBS

Bethel Kids is excited to host VBS this year and that means there are lots of opportunities to serve during this fun week at Bethel!

We seek small group leaders, co-leaders, youth helpers, games, administrative help, worship, crafts, kitchen, and hospitality. Adults and students are welcome to join in this year because it takes many individuals to make VBS run smoothly.

Quick Info
Quick Info

Monday, June 9 – Thursday, June 12

VBS is 9AM – Noon! Doors open at 8:50 AM.

Address for Bethel Church is: 2702 30th Ave S, Fargo 58103.

Kids will enjoy crafts, snacks, teaching, exciting music, fun games, and awesome relationships!

We’ll discover what it means to trust Jesus in a wild world as we journey through the rugged wilderness of Alaska!

We invite parents to attend our Closing Session on Thursday, June 12 at 11:40am.

A snack will be served each morning of VBS. We try to be mindful of allergies, but we cannot accommodate all areas of concern. If your child needs an alternative snack, feel free to send a simple peanut free/tree nut free snack for your child to enjoy during snack time. Additionally, please personally inform your child’s crew leader if your child has any allergies (food, bee stings, etc.). This provides another layer of protection for your child.

Parking & Drop Off
Parking & Drop Off

Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early to walk your kids into the building and check them in.

Park and enter the building through the doors at the front main parking lot.

Parents MUST walk kids into the building and check them in.

After checking in, head to the Worship Center to drop your child off with their group leader. Don’t worry – we’ll have signs and helpers to get you to the right place!

Already pre-registered?  Head straight to iPad check-in stations.

Need to register?  Go to the Kids’ Welcome Desk in the foyer to register and check in.

Pick Up
Pick Up

Pick up at Noon in the Worship Center

Parents can plan to pick up their kids in the Worship Center at Noon. Your child’s class will have a large sign with their class name on it!

You will be given a pick-up tag at check-in that you will need to show in order to pick up your child. Please have it ready for our leaders.

More Information


How will I know which class my child is in?

You will receive an email the week prior to VBS that will have your child’s class assignment, class name, and Leader. You’ll also get to know your child’s leaders quickly and will recognize their location in the Worship Center for drop-off and pick-up.

What if I check my child in and they don’t want to stay?

We understand wholeheartedly if a child gets there for the day and then decides not to stay. Please let the Adult Leader in your child’s class know that you have checked in for the day but that you will be taking your child home. This helps us know who is there for the day and who is not!

What if I want to stay with my child?

We would love to have you volunteer – but in the safety of everyone’s child we strive to have every volunteer be fully screened and approved to serve, which includes an application, a background check, and an interview with the Director of Bethel Kids. If you think you may want to stay with your child, we invite you to reach out ahead of attending to make arrangements with Bethel Kids Staff. You can email Allison at

What happens if my child gets hurt while at VBS?

We have a Nurse on-staff each day at VBS, as well as many trained Safety Ministry volunteers, who will assist in the event of an injury or emergency. An incident form will be documented for your child, and you will be notified via phone if the injury is serious. If it is a minor injury, you will receive an incident form at the end of the day.


This Year's Theme Song

Coming Soon!

This Year's Theme Verse
VBS Prayer Calendar

Check out our VBS Prayer calendar that gives you specific ways to pray for VBS throughout the month of May and June.

Click Here for Prayer Calendar


Love God, Love Others, Serve the World

Our Team

Lucas Jackson

Next Gen Pastor

Allison Schmidlin

Bethel Kids Director

Tracey Hallstrom

Administrative Assistant to Bethel Kids

Nicole Lofgren

Associate Director of Bethel Kids