
Local & Global Outreach

Local Outreach

Serving others is a great way to grow in your relationship with Jesus. We celebrate the good works of God’s people in our Bethel Church family and in our community. Serving others is a great way to grow in your relationship with Jesus. We celebrate the good works of God’s people in our Bethel Church family and in our community.

Pray & Observe

Ask God to help you see the opportunities to serve in Jesus’ name in your realm of influence. Look for opportunities to serve someone in your neighborhood (raking leaves, shoveling a driveway, etc). Listen for a co-worker or neighbor who may be in need and then seek to meet that need. Consider surprising someone with a generous gift, “just because.” All of these can be significant expressions of God’s love through you.

Local Opportunities to Serve

Over the years we’ve enjoyed partnering with the following organizations through prayer, financial support, communication, volunteering, and sharing space. Our partnerships are prioritized based on effective ministry in areas of evangelism, cross-cultural outreach, and connections to Bethel Church or the EFCA.

  • Ruby’s Pantry
    Volunteer with Bethel Church and Ruby’s Pantry to support families in our community looking to stretch their grocery budget. There are no income requirements.


  • Ed Clapp Adopt a School
    Being a good neighbor with our friends across the parking lot is a big deal to Bethel Church! Contact Pastor Jonas for more information about our reading partners, lunch buddies, Good News Club, and more in support of Ed Clapp Elementary School.


  • Upward Sports
    Established in 1995, Upward Sports is the world’s largest Christian youth sports provider. Learn more about the ministry and how you can serve or contact Glenn Heinsch.


  • Red River Youth for Christ
    YFC depends on the involvement of caring adults to accomplish their mission—to reach local teens with the message that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. Call 701.237.6682 to get involved.


  • The New Life Center
    The New Life Center helps guests discover value and find hope. Call 701.235.4453 or visit the New Life Center website to get involved.


  • Child Evangelism Fellowship
    Let your light shine by guiding children to Jesus! For more information on serving opportunities, please contact Doug Sikkink at 701.200.4865 or office@ceffm.org or ceffm.org.


  • FM Cru & Bridges
    Bethel Church is proud to partner with CRU in our region to reach college students with the good news of Jesus. Learn more about how you can get involved and support this work at fmcru.com. Reach out to Pastor Jonas if you would have any interest in meeting international students and helping them feel welcome in our community.


  • Cooperstown Bible Camp
    Cooperstown Bible Camp (CBC) is a significant ministry within the Northern Plains District of the EFCA. To get involved visit their website or call the camp at 701.581.6921.


  • Elim Care Center
    Be a friend through one-on-one visits, by reading or walking with a resident, provide special music, or help with other activities. More info at FargoElim.org


  • Women’s Care Center
    Women’s Care Center is a faith-based non-profit center helping pregnant women from our communities choose life for their babies, have healthier pregnancies, become better parents, and take the first steps to self-sufficiency. For more information on how you can help call Angela at 701.532.1928 or email angela@wccnd.com.


  • Great Plains Food Bank
    For questions regarding volunteer opportunities please email Caroline McGuire, Volunteer Coordinator, or call 701.232.6219.


  • Jail Chaplains
    Jail Chaplains brings Jesus into the Cass County Jail. Through a ministry of presence and support inside the jail and through Living Free Groups inside and outside the jail, you’ll find an effective caring ministry to inmates and returning citizens. Visit their website or or call 701.364.0067 for more information.


  • The Perry Center
    The Perry Center ministers to single women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by providing for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in a residential setting. They have many opportunities for volunteer work ranging from mowing the lawn and removing the snow, to cooking supper and spending time with residents. Fill out an application found online or call Rachel at 701.241.9289.


  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
    The ND Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) exists to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. Contact Nate Safe at 701.866.5569 or natesafe@fca.org for more information on how to get involved.


    The world-wide evangelism efforts of Nick Hall began at NDSU and many at Bethel Church were involved in the early years of getting Pulse started. Involvement with Pulse often looks like prayer, financial support, and helping with events.


  • InterVarsity
    InterVarsity is a ministry to college students active on local campuses.


  • Park Christian School
    For over 40 years, Bethel Church has partnered as a member church with parents, students, and Park Christian School (PCS) to provide a Christ-centered, K-12, education, equipping students to think biblically, live wisely, and serve faithfully. Call 218.236.0500 to find out how you can get involved.


  • Master’s Heart Ministries
    Master’s Heart Ministries exists to bring hope to impoverished communities through clean water initiatives, training in income-generating skills, orphan care, teaching English, improved farming techniques, medical outreach, and evangelism. Local and lay-led, we have enjoyed working with MHM through our Advent in Action campaigns, Summer Hope efforts, and more.


  • Gideons International
    Local Gideons are an active part of our church and involved in our community. To date, they have sent 2 billion Scriptures in more than 95 languages to 200 countries. To learn more about joining, email tgi@gideons.org.




Global Outreach

We know that no one enters the Kingdom of God apart from a relationship with Jesus so we are passionate about partnering with others who are spreading the Gospel. We want to see our people grow in their desire to multiply their God-given influence through making disciples of Jesus locally and to the ends of the earth. Nearly 6,000 people groups have yet to hear the Gospel message. The time is short. The need is great. Let’s GO!

Recent Mission Trips

In June 2024, a group of six students and six adults traveled to the Balkans area for two weeks to minister through friendship evangelism. These students were well-trained to be culturally sensitive and skilled in directing conversations toward spiritual matters as local children, teens and adults enjoyed a camp-like setting together. Relationships were started and seeds of truth were planted, and the participants had an opportunity to see what longer term service would be like as they consider God’s direction for their lives. Local mission staff were eager to follow-up on the contacts made and coordinated the team’s efforts for longer-term impact.

Upcoming Mission Trips

Future Mission Teams & Upcoming Trips

We have invitations from the field to organize future mission team trips to serve in Honduras, Nepal and Alaska. Dates are fluid at this point. If you are interested in possibly participating in one of these trips, please contact Gary Siefers at GarySiefers@bethelfc.com


Honduras Mission Trip
February 1–9, 2025

A group of 13-15 participants will travel to Honduras to engage in ministry early next year. From Saturday, February 1 – Sunday, February 9, there will be 4 days of home construction, a day of working with kids with disabilities, food basket distribution, as well as a pastors’ conference. No previous experience is required – just a heart to serve. Contact GarySiefers@bethelfc.com for preliminary information.  Several Bethel teams have served in this location in the past and the local leaders are eager to receive and lead us in effective life-changing service. There are still openings for this trip. There is required training during the fall, so let us know soon if you have any interest in going. 



High School Student & Family Honduras Mission Trip
June 20–29, 2025

For more information on this trip click here.

Other Mission Opportunities

Other Mission Opportunities

We also encourage the Bethel community to consider short-term mission trips with some of our experienced partners such as International Messengers and the Evangelical Free Church Crisis Response Teams.


International Messengers 

For a specific list of the frequent trips they have planned, please view their website or contact them at www.im-usa.org


The Evangelical Free Church sponsors short-term teams to serve on one-week trips to areas where natural disasters have occurred. Current sites requesting teams to do construction, evangelism and prayer ministry are in Lake Charles, LA; Hazard, Kentucky; and SW Florida. For a specific list of the frequent trips they have planned, please contact them at https://crisis-response.ministries.efca.org/

Global Mission Partners

Our Global Outreach focus exists to extend our reach from Bethel to the ends of the earth. We seek to bridge cultural and language barriers that distance people from understanding and embracing the truth of Jesus Christ.

Meet Our Partners

• Aftab – Awana/Pakistan
• Amenudzie – CrossWorld/Togo
• Anderson – International Messengers/Europe
• A and D – MENA
• Appauthurai – Awana/Sri Lanka
• Austvold EFCA/North Central District
• Ayudan – ND/Honduras
• Choi – Wycliffe/Southeast Asia
• Cousens – Avant/Senegal
• Cushman – Bridges International/Minnesota
• David & Achi – New International/Central Asia
• DeSouza – SIM/Angola – Watch a recent presentation from the DeSouzas while on home assignment.
• Grow – CRU/Minnesota
• Mike & Emily – EFCA/Middle East
• Gibbons L. – Impact France/France
• Jordan & Lexie – CRU/Middle East
• Kumal – Awana/Nepal
• Kumar – Amistad Worldwide/India
• Lind – Entrust/Global
• Maharjan – Awana/Nepal
• Mall – Ripe for Harvest/India
• Mark & Shelley – Frontiers/ND
• Moktan – Awana/Nepal
• Thiago & Mandy– Frontiers/South Asia
• Randy & Debbie – Common Ground/Central Asia
• P.R. – Awana/Bhutan
• Rivas – Honduras
• Robinson – CRU/France
• SALT Trainers/Southeast Asia
• Stigen – EFCA/Minnesota
• Tamang –Awana/South Asia
• Thapa – Awana/Nepal
• Tharu – Awana/Nepal
• Ueland – CRU/Utah

Mission Partners Prayer Calendar

We’d love for you to join us in praying for our missionaries. Here is a calendar you can download and print to join us in prayer each month.

Outreach Staff

Gary Siefers

Global Outreach

Jonas Bundy

Local Outreach