Medical Missions with the DeSouzas

Joyfully serving in Cavango Mission, Angola.

Pray, Send, Go

Please join us in praying for and supporting the work in Cavango Mission, Angola.

Practicing medicine in Cavango, Angola, is no small task! Patients travel by foot and motorbike for hours, hoping they can find relief when they arrive. When they get to the clinic, they are welcomed by two medical doctors, Tim and Eduardo, along with staff who love Jesus and use their knowledge and skills to provide relief with the resources they have.

Importantly, these doctors and their families share their hope in Jesus with their patients and their families. In Angola, when you go to the hospital, your family must provide your meals. With all these people coming to the hospital, the DeSouzas and their teammates have many opportunities to share the love of Christ with patients and family members.

Before the medical consults each day, the group hears about the Great Physician, the One who can heal their body and save their soul!

An Urgent Need

There is an urgent need for a third ultrasound machine at the medical mission. The patient load is growing, and the two doctors are busy caring for patients seven days a week. Jocelyn is often brought in to use her skills as a nurse practitioner, and having a third machine for her or another provider will expedite and improve patient care.

This new machine will enable the team to determine the type and severity of heart disease, determine if pregnancies are ectopic, and differentiate between uterine/ovarian infections, tumors, or cancers.

The new machine will also provide much better resolution for all exams resulting in more accurate diagnoses.

The DeSouza Family
The DeSouza Family

You may remember that in 2022, we raised money with our Advent in Action campaign to build a mission home in Cavango. We reported in June 2023 that an airstrip was completed, allowing MAF mission teams to provide additional medicine and medical resources in this distant mission work. This year, improvements have been made by providing solar panels in addition to the generator that provides a couple of hours of power each day. God has not forgotten the people in Cavango!

Partnering for the Gospel

The total cost to supply the ultrasound machine is approximately $70,000.

We are partnering with Calvary E Free in Pelican Rapids to raise the total amount. Calvary is one of three area churches, along with Bethel, that sent the DeSouzas to represent Jesus in this vital work. They have already raised $9,000 and will keep raising money until we reach the goal.

The elders of Bethel Church have designated
$25,000 to help us reach the goal,
leaving us with only $36,000 to raise!

Please prayerfully consider joining us in raising the full amount as quickly as possible. The DeSouzas will be visiting Bethel Church in August, and it would be so much fun to celebrate that visit with a new ultrasound machine!

You can give to Bethel Church via check or online. Simply indicate in your giving that the gift is to go toward Angola, and we will ensure that 100% of your gift helps us meet this need.